Shop with us
Mutual trust with our customers lies at the heart of what we do. HULA has a zero-tolerance policy for counterfeit goods. We only accept authentic, new or pre-owned luxury goods for sale. All our products are vetted and authenticated by HULA’s team of experts prior to listing. We also use AI technology Entrupy to ensure our top designer bags are 100% authentic.

HULA’s vast treasure trove of items are curated and priced based on their product quality.
Our product descriptions will always mention any stains or flaws that happen to be present, so any surprises will only be the pleasant kind. Please note we only HULA only accepts shoes that are in New or Hardly Worn condition (worn lightly up to 2 times or less (allowances may be given to our top selling shoe brands such as; Chanel, Christian Dior, Gucci & Hermès).
New With Tags : | New and never worn, still with the original tags attached |
Hardly Worn : | Has only been worn up-to a few times and in good condition |
Worn : | Worn regularly and may have visible defects or signs of wear |
Vintage : | Typically 20 years or older, may have visible defects due to its age |