Tips from Seoul: Self-Quarantine & Work from Home

Tips from Seoul: Self-Quarantine & Work from Home

by HULA on Apr 03, 2020

[caption id="attachment_9684" align="aligncenter" width="700"] Ash Kim (@ash_theashlynn)[/caption]

With most of the world stuck at home for weeks on end due to the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, a lot of the isolated are tearing out their hair trying to keep themselves sane from all the news, social distancing and homeschooling.  For the next few weeks, we will be interviewing (digitally – duh) women of different industries, nationalities all over the world to bring to you the best tips for self-quarantine and working from home because life goes on even when the world is under siege from this deadly virus. Whether you’re a mother juggling between working from home and keeping the kids entertained, or stuck in a foreign country alone fearing that going back home might bring something nasty to your family members, we hope the series ignites positive energy and brings practical tips that can guide you through this journey.

We shed some light on the situation in Milan and Sydney last time. This week, we’re honoured to be interviewing a Seoul-based fashion designer and founder of The Ashlynn - Ash Kim. Speaking from Seoul, Ash talks us through her pandemic-daily-routine and some tips that have helped her feel productive this difficult time. 

  [caption id="attachment_9685" align="aligncenter" width="600"] The Ashlynn (@theashlynn)[/caption]

Where are you and what do you do?

I live in Seoul and I am a fashion designer for my brand, The Ashlynn.  

What is it like where you are right now?

We are practising social distance and try to stay home most of the time. We are still hopeful that the good days are just around the corner and trying to stay positive.  

What is the biggest impact the virus has had on you personally?

I am generally a homebody so it is not hard for me to stay home and I work at my own studio/office so it is not affecting my work routines as much than others. But I do miss going to my yoga classes, hanging out friends for dinner and drinks and going out for strolls in the park without the mask on! I'm trying to start online yoga classes but it is definitely harder to discipline myself at home. During the weekend, I cook, watch Netflix, talk to friends over facetime, shop on mobile -from groceries to fashion.  

Is there any positivity that you have discovered since the outbreak?

I see that so many friends eat dinner, have wine and even dance together, over a video chat! I have been face-timing with friends individually but haven't tried the group video chat yet - seems so much fun! Also trending is TikTok (which I secretly want to try) home training and picking up small hobbies you can do at home - i.e. my sister picked up her old hobby of painting and took a room in our studio to turn into a little art studio.  

What are your top tips during this period?

In order to see the positive side of this hard time, I try to maximize time for myself - whether personal growth, work, beauty or even just relaxing and chilling. Do one productive thing at home - whether it's a hobby, home workout, trying a new recipe, or clearing out movies you've been meaning to watch. Enjoy family time. Stay in touch with friends via facetime/video chats. Try to look good (but comfy) while working at home too! It will help you keep motivated, feeling good, active.